On October 11, 2017, One More Story Games held its Sneak Peek Party of Shakespeare’s Landlord, the interactive game at Kobo Headquarters in Toronto, Canada.
Jean Leggett, OMSG CEO, showed a 10-minute preview of the upcoming book to game adaptation of #1 NYT best-selling author Charlaine Harris’ novel Shakespeare’s Landlord, followed by a fireside chat with the book’s author Charlaine Harris. The event concluded with a performance of the original song “Peace” by Megan Ann, written for the game.
To see more photos from the party, visit the Lily Bard Facebook Page photo album here. Videos to come.
- Charlaine Harris
- The Kobo Crew
- Fans who drove 29 hours!
- Blair being interviewed by Sunset6TV
- Jean & Blair with Twitch streamer Pumpkinberry
- Keira, the creator of Attack of the Killer Zombie Cats!